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FREE government & NON-PROFIT EDucational series

"Productive use: what big cities got wrong about the abandoned homes crisis and how small cities can avoid these SAME pitfalls"


There is a solution for abandoned houses and, as big cities have learned, it is NOT putting people in jail or simply a matter of increasing code enforcement efforts. Productive Use is our free and informative educational series for government and non-profit entities that are working to avoid the pitfalls encountered by America's largest urban cities, all of which lack an effective solution to abandoned houses.


Your city, town or village could be next. 


Productive Use provides FREE, state-of-the-art resources such as blog posts, online seminars, and best practices on which our patent-pending processes and procedures are built. 


You will learn how to: 


  • Use Our Proprietary Platform to Predict Housing Vacancies Before They Occur (Best Solution for Abandoned Houses)

  • Stop Reacting to Housing Vacancies Years After they Occur (Worst Solution for Abandoned Houses)

  • Housing Courts and Landbanks Learn Why They Don't Work as Solution for Abandoned Houses

  • Track, Manage Ad Campaigns Which Provide a Solution for Abandoned Houses & Reduce Vacancies

  • Avoid Sharp Increases in Tenant Occupied Properties

  • Protect Incoming Municipal Income  and Property Tax Revenues from Sharp Declines

  • Deter Criminal Activities In and Around Abandoned and Vacant Houses

  • Implement Law-Based Solutions for Abandoned Houses that Reduce Current and Future Housing Vacancy Rates

  • Legally Prevent Abandoned Houses From Being Sold to Out-of-Town-Investors

  • Create Direct Mail Campaigns that Get Owners of Abandoned Houses to Respond and Participate in Development Initiatives

  • Create Effective Prosecution Alternative Programs - A Key Solution to Abandoned Houses

  • Create Affordable Housing Opportunities for Owner Occupied Purchasers to Purchase and Renovate Abandoned Houses

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3401 Enterprise Place

Suite 340-435

Beachwood, OH 44122


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501C(3) Disclosure: The AHP is not a charitable organization and does not accept or solicit charitable donations.


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